Wednesday, December 22, 2004

The Plan Kidnap Quebec

I made up a word... "Braggart". It was supposed to mean "One who brags," but then, to my disappointment, I found out it was already made.. Which ruined my fun when me and Nikki started calling Abe a braggart...Hmm... In Social at school, we were talking about things that happened in Canada and what was fair and not...People were asking, "Is it fair that Quebec tried to leave Canada?" and after a quick discussion, me and my friend came to the conclusion that it wasn't, in fact, fair. Quebecians ARE Canada. And such. I guess. So we thought we'd kidnap Quebec so they couldn't leave Canada... (Which explains my name)... And I think I should write a song about that... Hmm...

Well, today was the last day of school for this year!! Wewt! I'm looking foreward to it, even though I'll be VERY bored... ah, I'll survive.. Anyway, look! I updated my blog.. WITHIN THE MONTH.. I think.. Right? Man, this is weird... I'd better be careful, or this will turn into a pattern ;) We'll see...
Merry Christmas if I don't write in this until... Christmas! XP

Thought of the day: If you had a stalker, would they follow you if you climbed to the top of Mount Everest even though it's hard to stalk someone on a mountain?...

Friday, December 03, 2004

My eyeballs are going to fall out.

Yo. I like, never write in here... Maybe I should more often. Maybe I will. Maybe I won't. Well, what's new with me? Probably lots of things since I last wrote in here. I still haven't got lost at school (heehee...) and I've been making lotsa new friends. There has been a few problems and all, but I think I've got it all settled out...For now, anyway.
It's cold outside. There's snow. Ice. Snow...Maybe all the Prince Albertians and Melfartians should all retreat to Florida this Christmas and have intellectual conversations with communist smurfs.
Or we can just stay in Saskatchewan and freeze to death :) (Which is probably more likely to happen)
It's been weird... Like, at school, I liked all my teachers, except for two. There was one teacher I couldn't STAND!! She seriously drove me insane. I'm SO grateful that everyone (not just me but EVERYONE) got transferred to a new class.
God answers prayer... Heehee... Its amazing how things work out, even the simplist things, too.
I also remember saying one day "I want to learn how to play bass guitar." I think that was a little bit before the summer of 2004. Now I play bass in the Y Band!! ^___^ It's been awesome. Some things in my life have been going REALLY great. For example, there's been a few people I never really got along with... And I ended up talking to them and stuff. Now we talk, and are kind of "friends", but it's WAY better than before.
Wow, this is like, getting long... And I havn't even really said anything. How amazing. :)
I have had various nicknames in the past: "The Girl With No Leg, Cripple, Click-Stomp, Crutches, Jedda, Jen, Ear, Rae, Fuzzy, etc" and am now known as "The Queer Typer." I don't know what I just said that... But I did. So there. :)

Thought of the day: What would you do if a Communist Smurf came to your house and stole all your favorite socks and kidnapped them to Bulgaria to sell them to a terrorist who makes yo-yo's for a living that smuggled them through the Underground Railroad to China to sell to the Rice Farmer who uses them for fertilizer?