Saturday, October 28, 2006

I've been very busy. I think Nathan is more at my house than I am. He's right behind me in the process. He's happy because this hasn't happened before. "You're like my best friend." Wait, he went to go answer the phone.

Quote of the day:
"Well. One thing about losing my glasses, looking at you guys is more tolerable!"
-Nathan Wolfe

He laughed. He thinks he's funny. El gaspo. "Haha, what? What's el gaspo? Okay, stop doing that. Quit quoting me! That's it, I'm going to jump out the window! Problem is, we're in the basement. Wow, you're a fast typer, will you stop that?! *munch munch*"

I'm out. Fare thee well.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

There, Nathan. Here's your post.