Saturday, January 22, 2005

I'm a COG

You're probably wondering, "What's a COG?"
COG is an acronym:

Well...Last night, I had a sleepover with two friends (KJ and Charity) and we went to a concert (Angela, Amy, and Chris.. and I forget their last name, but they're good at singing and guitar), and on Saturday (today), Charity, KJ, and I went to a girls conference.

To put it lightly, it was awesome beyond words. :) I'm tired though. I should like, sleep. Anyway, I met awesome people at the girls conference. The weird part of the whole thing was that my brother was there (go figure) ... he was running the sound o.o

I HAVE A NEW NICKNAME! Jenncog. :) Or call me whatever you want, becaue that's what everyone else does. I'm not even bugged by being called Jenny anymore...

Word of The Day:

Buckley's yo (Buck- lee - z - yoh)

Buckley's yo will can also mean Jabaladoeh, except, when Buckley's yo is used, the polite way to respond is Robatussion ehh. (See Robatussion ehh.) Buckley's yo originated from the classic cough medicine "Buckley's". When James always had his greeting, "Morning," I wanted a greeting as well, but not "Afternoon" because that's just like, being normal. So, we came up with Buckley's yo. (Note: Normal people just nod their head and smile when I greet them.)

Thought of the Day:

Teach me guitar!

Quote of the Day:

Come be a loner with me! Then we'll all be loners together!

1 comment:

elly said...

yeah. loners together. sounds good.