Sunday, January 16, 2005

Lassie The Wonder Cow (and Littler Billy AND Jimmy)

Once, this guy's friend's great uncle's second cousin twice removed bought a hamster from his friend's neice's fiance's great grandmother's friend... owned a cow. This was no ordinary cow; she was Lassie The Wonder Cow!

One day, Lucy and Little Timmy were out playing. Then suddenly Lucy came running to Lassie,
"Little Timmy fell down the well!" she said, breathlessly.
Lassie took instant action.
"Moo!" Lassie flew over to the well and looked in.
"Moo," Lassie called down the well. Lassie jumped into the well to save Little Timmy, but only resulted in crushing and killing him.
"Owwie!" exclaimed Little Timmy, "Bad Lassie!" and with his last breath he breathed in death.

Rescuers tried day and night to get Lassie out, but she was just too heavy. She continually mooed at them to keep trying, but they eventually had to give up.
"I'm so sorry Lassie," Lucy said sympathetically, looking down the well.
"Moo?" asked Lassie.
Lucy started to cry as the butcher headed down the well with his knife.

Chapter Two - Littler Billy

Littler Billy, who was Little Timmy's younger brother who was this guy's friend's great uncle's second cousin twice removed bought a hamster from his friend's neice's fiance's great grandmother's friend's cow's friend was sitting in his bedroom mourning over the death of his older brother, Little Timmy.
"A COW SAT ON MY BIG BROTHER!" Littler Billy wailed, when suddenly, a penguin flew into his room through the window.

Now, Litter Billy loved penguins; He even had penguin wallpaper, so he immediately stopped crying.
"Pretty birdie!" he exclaimed. He slowly moved towards it, wanting to pet it.

The penguin suddenly squawked and flew out the window. Littler Billy liked it so much, he flew out the window, too. He was soaring through the air just like the penguin when suddenly he realized he couldn't fly.

So he didn't.

Need I say more?

Yes, I do, so anyways, Littler Billy came down, swimming like a brick through the air. Arms flailing, legs kicking and voice screaming. He screamed for what seemed like an hour. Then he got bored and stopped, so he just fell silently.

And fell.

And fell.

And fell.

And fell some more. :) Until finally, he hit the ground!


No, I was just kidding. He landed on the picket fence!


...I'm kidding... He landed in the well.


Chapter Three - Jimmy

Jimmy, the older brother of Littler Billy, and Little Timmy who was this guy's friend's great uncle's second cousin twice removed bought a hamster from his friend's neice's fiance's great grandmother's friend was having very mixed feelings about the death of his two brothers.
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, my brother fell down a well and died... and my other brother got sat on by a cow that I just ate 20 minutes ago," wailed Jimmy.

Jimmy suddenly stopped crying and started laughing. "Now I never have to worry about them bugging me. I'm free! FREE!" but Jimmy started realizing something else, "Who am I going to play with now?" Jimmy started wailing again.

After a while, Jimmy stopped crying and went over to the well to get some water for supper. As he lowered the bucket, something crashed into the bucket and he accidently let go of the rope. The bucket went tumbling down the well. Jimmy strugged to grab the rope. When he finally got hold of it, the weight of the bucket swept him off his feet, and he went headfirst into the well.

At the bottom of the well, in the depths of darkness and dispair, he heard voices,
"Hellooooooooooo," the voices said.
"Help me!" Jimmy screamed, terrified.
"You'll never get out alive," the voices said.
"Leave me alone!" Jimmy yelled into the darkness.
"Aw... You're so mean," Littler Billy punched Jimmy on the nose.
"AHH, IT'S A GHOST!!" Jimmy has a heart attack and dies.


Okay, okay...It was a little overboard...My friend Nikki and I wrote that story...She handed it in to her English teacher for an assignment. 100%

Go figure.

Anyway, don't ask me what happened at the last chaper thingy.. I never wrote that part and I never really understood it myself.

I've decided to write in my blog more often and to have a
1. Word of the day (Made by me) and it's origin.
2. Quote of the day.
3. Thought of the day.

It may be serious, and it may be another Lassie The Wonder Cow story... If you be nice, I'll spare you those...And I think this is all that I'll say today.

Word of the Day:

Jabalado (Jab-a-lad-oh):

This means... I don't know what it means. It's the root words for things such as Jabaladoweee and Jabaladoeh. It came from my friend Toby on MSN... He was typing things like "alskdhglashg" and such, and it just turned out as Jabalado. I can unforunately not take credit for this word.

Quote of the Day:

Take my advice... I don't ever use it.

Thought of the Day:

Who'd name their kid Little Timmy?? And how could he ever fall down the well in the first place... MAYBE LUCY PUSHED HIM DOWN... I can see it now, "Lucy, the Little Timmy Killer"

Whoa, long post...

1 comment:

Seanna said...

Yeah, name him Little Gustave. teehee. And that was an awesomely funny story. Perhaps a little morbid, but still great. Rock on.